Alright peeps, we are getting real so you can get unstuck.
This 15 Min Fill Up is full of reality checks about why your're stuck and what it's going to take to shake yourself free. In this episode, I share the four key steps to get out of the rut you are in so we can actually start having a conversation about what you actually care about. This will free you up to create the clarity and confidence you crave so much. When it comes to living a life you love, getting unstuck is the first major step towards soaring. I love sharing the knowledge and steps you can take to truly take your power back and create a life you love. I encourage you to make a hot mess of figuring this out! Disrupt your comfort zone and watch the trash fall away. This work is for those of you ready to give up your shit and make the serious shift that will make the difference in the quality and direction of your life. You have all the power. Enjoy!
I have news that I have been hiding out about...
I quit my cushy corporate job...again. I have been hiding out about it because many of you didn't know that in the first place! I am sharing all the dirty details in this 15 Min Fill Up. I have stalled all January to share this personally exciting news for fear of judgement. I have withheld so that I could get my footing and stride back without the perceived threat of being doubted. At every phase of leveling up in life, those most common shadows come lurking from their corners. I have squared up with so many identities of my ego to make this quantum leap and I am still growing. What's different is that I have shifted out of feeling held back by forces greater than me. I am stepping into the current and riding the wave towards my biggest life. As we move in to February, I am committed to full celebration mode! It is the month of LOVE! It is my birth month and I turn 30! >Which I have personally dubbed ?PRIMETIME? Join me as we kick of February submerged in self love!
So we dove all the way into being an Empath now we're dropping the identity!
That is right my lovers! To live your best damn life as your truest self, I am encouraging you to drop the label! It is so important to understand the characteristics of being an Empath and yet, to live by the story will stunt your growth! As the highest and best version of you, you are nothing but pure unconditional love. In this 15 Min Fill Up, I am giving you four keys to becoming your highest and best.
In this episode, I am sharing two major keys to balancing life as an empath.
These concepts will have you thriving the way that you naturally are! In this 15 Min Fill Up, I am sharing how to stay filled up with some strategies for protecting your energy levels and exposing them effectively. I am discussing shielding and sharing from the space of love and acceptance. Empath or not, we can all benefit from understanding how our energy impacts the world and take responsibility for our natural actions and reactions. Beyond protecting your heart, you can unleash the hearts of others when you build your loving, empathy muscles to have others feel heard, supported, and loved. Being an empath is your super power. Imagine your life where you get to have it all while getting to have all of your feelings! It is time for you to thrive!
Episode 3 of the Empath Empowerment Series is about empowering your natural way of being. In this episode, we put pen to paper to begin shifting what it means for you to authentically BE the way you are. This episode has a very specific purpose of shifting the context of what it means to be an empath on a personal level. For many years of my life, I did not have a powerful, loving relationship to all of my emotions, feelings, passion, and compassion. I had negative self talk that I was too much, not enough, overbearing, over caring, and more. One compliment from a very gracious coach shifted the entirety of my life. In today's episode, I am going to take you through that pivotal moment to truly accept all of that heart. I am going to work with you on how to step in to your power and your feelings so that you can take your life and love to the next level. Join me for today's 15 minute fill up to fill up on gratitude for the way you were born to be.
This is the highly anticipated follow up to episode 042: Life As An Empath.
In the Empath Empowerment Series, I am giving you the "hows, whos, and whats" of being an empath in today's world! Understanding that you are an empath is the first step to realizing what that means, accepting it wholly, celebrating it, and using it to create your fullest life! Without any awareness about this way of being, we often feel cursed by the plethora of feelings, emotions, and thoughts that we have as empathetic people. Life can seem to have a lot of friction when you are resisting or living out of alignment with your soul's natural state. Reaching freedom and ease is will seem difficult until you become a student of what it means to be who you are. With this awareness, we are given a foundation upon which we can build a sturdy house for all of this passion, curiosity, and compassion to reside in! Being an empath is a blessing and your superpower! We come here with a strong purpose to shift the consciousness and struggles of humanity. You have a divine purpose and who you are is going to transform this world. Navigating with IN HONOR of your soul's alignment will create ease, flow, fun, and joy as you make your way! Learning and nurturing WHO you are inclined to be allows for flow and fun in life. Join me today to gain a deeper understanding of yourself as well as generate more confidence, clarity, and direction about living on purpose and with purpose.
I recorded this episode to begin normalizing the trials and tribulations of being an Empath in this world.
I also recorded it to celebrate all of the amazing things about the human that you are! This is a bit of an intro to the world of empathy and we will dive in more as the podcast goes on. One of my biggest commitments in the Heart Unleashed Podcast is to educate and display how to turn that giant heart of yours into a tool that can transform this world. Your heart beat matters. The difference that you came here to make matters. How much you feel is no mistake. You are here to be a light and a guide in this world with the natural energy, passion, and vitality that you have. You are in tune and turned on to the love that this world needs so desperately. I invite you to accept that big ole heart of yours, unleash it, and impact this world in ways that will continue to generate the ripple effect of love, greatness, and gratitude. The Hearts of Empaths unleashed matters.
This 15 Min Fill Up is devoted to every version of you! I use every opportunity I have to share the power of completion work!
I am using this conversation to fill you up with knowledge about what is available to you when you put your past in your past! Becoming clear about the different identities that you have generates a level of freedom that can only be experienced through the work of letting go! Without experienced support and guidance, completion work can seem somewhat confusing. I want to offer to each and every one of you the opportunity to get complete with your past by educating you about what it is, what it looks like, and what's available on the other side of it! To begin your own completion work, contact me today! To dive in for yourself, head over to and sign up to receive my 15 minute Messages From Younger You Meditation.
This 15 Min Fill Up was recorded after a 60 ft scuba dive at Lake Pleasant with some new heros of mine!!
I learned how to scuba dive with the Diving Devil Dogs of Arizona, an non-profit organization, that supports veterans getting scuba certified and creating healthy coping skills and strategies in transitioning home and thriving after their service has been fulfilled. I faced so many personal fears with men who have given me the gift of my freedom to scuba for fun and not survival. It was breathtaking to dive into chilly waters with men who have faced far more treacherous conditions. Seeing them smile after also diving past their comfort zone was an experience I will never forget. In this episode, I am bringing you the heart of Jimmy Richardson of the Diving Devil Dogs So Cal Chapter. He led this weekend's mission and brought his vets to new territory safely and while even having a little fun! He shares what it is like to dive into your heart and the hearts of others to talk about what is really going on and how to build a community of communication. You can get involved today! Please share this cause with Veteran who you know would love an amazing opportunity to join a new community!
Find Your Fulfillment in today's #15minfillup
Ulrich P Floresca and I are coming to you together from Sedona, Arizona for this 15 Min Fill Up! During our trip to the Vortex we had an amazing conversation that we decided to bring to you! Many of us endlessly search and never find what we feel we came here to do. We often end up with jobs, roles, and titles that do not match WHO we are at our highest and best. This has us feeling lost, confused, upset, and underappreciated. Years and decades of living unfulfilled has gone on for too long and we have a conversation that can begin to make the major shift for you; identifying your role and pursuing it. When we are able to find our fulfillment, it shows. At the Hearts Unleashed Podcast we are committed to supporting you in finding your fulfillment by sharing what it's like to truly understand what brings you joy and has you fulfilling your purpose and role in this beautiful world! In today's episode, I am bringing two of my favorite analogies to help you begin the process of finding and following what fulfills you most! Happy discovering! |
Your Host: Abigail GazdaHeart-centered entrepreneur, Abigail Gazda has transformed her passion for education into a full-time career as a motivational speaker, author, and life coach. Categories |