I constantly have new ideas and dreams popping up in my heart and head constantly!
Always have. I would often chase those ideas like a carrot strung in front of me. I would chase them, take a huge leap, snatch 'em down, and scarf 'em up! I didn't realize this isn't natural for everyone until about high school. I noticed there are folks who only ever talk about their dreams. They leave them up in the clouds and dwell on what it would be like to have them come true. They wish upon stars and stare longingly onto the unreachable visions of their hearts. There is nothing wrong or right about either way. However, a life of only ever dreaming can create an unfulfilled longing. The whispers of a hungry heart begin to grow louder. Ignoring the call to action can begin to create heart aches and even anxiety. Avoiding or suppressing your fullest self only works for so long. You can only avoid your heart so long before your mind starts to bend. I know far too many beautiful souls still just wishing and hoping for their dreams to become their reality. Hearts Unleashed Podcast listener and my massage therapist, Taryn inspired today's 15 Min Fill Up DURING OUR MASSAGE! Taryn began sharing many of her brilliant ideas with me and it sparked an amazing conversation that I know so many of us deal with! "What's in the way of your dreams!?! In this 15 Min Fill Up, I am jumping in to shed light on what's in the way and how to begin kicking down and stepping past the barriers of your dreams! I am sharing how to go from dreaming to doing in 5 very simple steps that will surely create action and traction in your life! Tune in today if you are ready for your thoughts to become things! Thank you to Taryn for being an amazing human, massage therapist, dreamer, AND doer! Connect with Abigail: Website: abigailgazda.com IG: https://www.instagram.com/_instagail_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abigail.rose.7906/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClYjBA_abOrO2MBA4l5DMtg Pinterest: Abigail Gazda - Life Coach Give us a 5 star rating on our FB Page: facebook.com/heartsunleashedpodcast If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email us at [email protected] To support the podcast and Hearts Unleashed content, subscribe here: https://www.abigailgazda.com/content-subscription.html To join us in the Hearts Unleashed Membership Community, check out the options here: https://hearts-unleashed.mykajabi.com/hu-membership
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Your Host: Abigail GazdaHeart-centered entrepreneur, Abigail Gazda has transformed her passion for education into a full-time career as a motivational speaker, author, and life coach. Categories |